Pavel Blazhyievskyi
Pavlo Blazhyievskyi | ![]() | |
Location: | Krakow, Poland | |
E-mail: | | |
Phone: | +48 579 512 666 | |
Telegram: | +48 579 512 666 | |
About me:
- My strong side is a vast experience. I worked for leading companies across the world: Revolut, William Hill, Leo Burnett, Ogilvy, etc. Worked in product and R&D teams, and did things not many developers tried: Web UI applications, WebGL shaders powered games, sound editor in JavaScript, you name it.
- I am one of the early adopters of React, tried Angular, Svelte and Vue for smaller projects but wouldn't say I am a fan of any technology, for me, they are just a tool you have to know to achieve a result.
- Even though I strongly prefer colocated teams I have experience of work with remote, huge, and highly distributed teams. I'm not a certified Scrum master, but I'm a strong scrum believer if it is done right.
- Common – I have a strong knowledge of the software design patterns and OOP principles but have a strong predisposition to a functional approach and deep problem analysis.
- JavaScript/TypeScript – Strong knowledge of the ES5/ES-Next, as well as TypeScript. Solid experience of using ReactJS/Redux and Backbone/Marionette stack. Limited experience in Angular an Vue. Game developing using PIXI/Phaser engines. Moderate experience of developing a server-side using Express.
- HTML, CSS/SASS — Strong knowledge of CSS/SCSS, experience of using various HTML5 API.
- GraphQL — Limited experience.
- Testing – Good knowledge of BDD/TDD principles. Experience of testing with Jest/Enzyme/Testing library and JasmineJS.
- Python / GO – Mostly used for internal projects and tools. Limited experience of doing back-end in Django and Flask frameworks.
- Scheme, Clojure/Clojure.js — Basic knowledge, used for private pet projects only.
- SQL/NoSQL – Moderate knowledge of MongoDB, SQLite and MySQL. Used in Android, Python and Node applications.
- ActionScript – Strong knowledge. Huge experience of a game and visual projects developing.
- Java – The outdated experience of developing desktop and Android applications.
- Operation systems:
- Linux – The advanced user. The main OS since 2001 (Red Hat, Gentoo, Arch, Void).
- Mac OS – Use at the office since ages till present time.
- Windows
- 2019.04 —
- Revolut ltd
- Poland, Krakow,
- Position:
- Senior web software engineer
- Responsibilities:
- As a part of the fin-crime team, I develop internal tools to facilitate fin-crime agents investigation of potential criminal activities. The main requirement of those tools is to be reliable and highly optimized for UX and performance, as one second delay leads to wasting time of agents.
- I drive the process of establishing good architectural/developing practices.
- As the only senior front-end developer in the KYC part of fin-crime my responsibility is to make and control architectural decisions in that part of a project and supervise UI/UX design of tools being built.
- As a part of a cross concern team I participate in designing API and architecture of client/service communication
- Another part of my daily workload is to be a functional manager and a mentor for less experienced developers.
- 2017.10 – 2019.03
- Grand Parade
- Poland, Krakow,
- Position:
- Senior software developer
- Responsibilities:
- I've developed a reference modular application architecture. The demo application consists of React/Redux/Redux-saga front-end and back-end based on Express.js
- Drove the process of establishing good architectural/developing practices.
- Developed cross-company internal tooling. I've developed stand-alone node applications for a change-log generation, code-quality control etc as well as babel and post-CSS plugins for internal usage.
- I took an active part in the development of a cross-company library of React components. Styling was originally developed using SASS and migrated later on CSSinJS library Emotion.
- I participated in developing a user-journey validation service. The service written in TypeScript and GraphQL consists of sets of rules specific for different jurisdictions that all user input has to be validated on front-end as well as on a back-end. And a node.js AWS hosted web-service to validate user input in any form against specific rules.
- Mentored less experienced developers.
- Wrote documentation and technical articles for the company page on Medium.
- 2016.06 – 2017.10
- Yggdrasilgaming
- Poland, Krakow,
- Position:
- JavaScript game developer
- Responsibilities:
- I've developed more than five games, which includes client-server communication, game logic and visual and audio effects. In development, I used an internal JavaScript framework and WebGL library PIXI, Create.js and TweenMax.
- I developed JS/SASS framework to display game rules and legal information.
- Mentoring and support less experienced developers.
- 2008.01–2016.05
- Studio7, digital production
- Ukraine, Kiev,
- Position:
- leading front-end developer
- Responsibilities:
- Developed a lot of HTML5 promotional single-page applications using React and previously Backbone/Marionette frameworks.
- Developed a few javascript games using Crafty framework.
- Developed a many web games flash RobotLegs MVC framework.
- Developed a few small/medium size websites using Django and Flask python frameworks.
- Supervised outsourced front-end projects.
- Developed internal tools using python.
- 2006.01 – 2008.01
- Internet magazine Posnayka
- Position:
- Flash-developer, designer, illustrator
- Responsibilities:
- Developed educational flash games using an own Adobe Flash framework.
South Ukrainian State University, ”Graphics and Arts“ Institute. Masters of Arts. Specialty: Panel painting.
English: | advanced (C1) |
Polish: | advanced (C2) |
German: | beginner (A2) |
Ukrainian: | fluent |
Russian: | native speaker |
- Ancient 8-bit computers game-dev
- Linguistics
- Visual arts