Max Fun

Client: Craft Foods Ukraine, Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Ukraine

The project is currently under development and phased launch.


The task was to develop an interactive website to promote new chocolate ”Corona Max Fun“. The web pages are full of animation scales heavily and contain a lot of graphics.


As a framework, I chose React and Redux. The cause of this decision is that I expected a lot of DOM changes on the page. Communication with a server, on the other hand, is quite simple. The client sends on the server images and text and expects them to be sent back in the same state. The graphics generated by users is processed on the client and is sent in a ready state.

Social networks integration supposed to be minimal so for sharing I just open a new window with a sharer. We were unpleasantly surprised by Facebook. For some reason, they removed options to share text and images from sharer.php. As a result, we were forced to make changes to have a separate page for every message.

The project is made using HTML5 (React/Redux) technology.