Yggdrasil Gaming



Not the task per se, but I worked for some time in the company which produces online slot games. Those games might look simple and tedious, and in some way they are, but in another way, those game are quite challenging. Because of an extremely simple mechanic, just click and click, a game has to be visually engaging. Usually, slots are full of reach animation, visual and audio effects, particles, but designed in a way to not distract a customer from the main goal: spend the money.


Games were written in a plain old JavaScript 5, with a help of two nice libraries: PIXI and TweenMax. Even though you were not required to write WebGL shaders it was nice to understand how WebGL works under the hud and be able to count draw calls in a debugger.

The project is made using plain JavaScript, PIXI.js, TweenMax.